Tablet weaving. Basic pattern: warpwise stripes

Threading diagram

The width of warpwise stripes depends on the number of tablets carrying the warp of the same colour and set up next to each other. The stripes can be of the same width or completely different, the number of colours is only limited by the number of tablets. The overall look of the band does not depend on the slant/position of the tablets, but there are still some differences in the details. On diagrams left to right: 1 – position of the tablets alternates as per threading diagram, all tablets are turned continuously in one direction; 2 – position of the tablets alternates as per threading diagram, tablets are turned 4 times forward, 4 times back; 3 – all tablets are in the same position and are turned continuously in one direction (in this case the band would curl up in the same direction as warp cords).

More intricate designs can be woven based on this setup by lifting some tablets over other to change their position in the pack (also known as cablework).

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